Monday, September 12, 2022

CCCLXXVIb. HAYDN, Franz Joseph: La Fedeltà Premiata (Acts Two and Three)

CCCLXXVIb. HAYDN, Franz Joseph (1732-1809)

La Fedeltà Premiata (Acts Two and Three) (1781)
Júlia Pászthy, soprano (Fillide)
Veronika Kincses, soprano (Amaranta)
Mária Zempléni, soprano (Nerima)
Ilona Tokody, soprano (Diana)
Attlia Fülöp, tenor (Fileno)
István Rozsos, tenor (Lindoro)
Gábor Vághelyi, baritone (Perruchetto)
József Gregor, bass (Melibeo)
Chamber Choir of the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy
Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra, Budapest
Frigyes Sándor, cond.

Act II

Scene I

25. Recitativo

Numi, pietà (Gods, have mercy)

Celia, Fileno, Nerima

Scene II


Pur ti ritrovo alfine (While I find you at last)

Melibeo, Nerima, Lindoro

Celia is rescued by shepherds. Melibeo takes stock of the situation. If he could make a match between Nerima and Fileno that would Celia free for Lindoro and then he can claim Amaranta. He encourages Nerima to use her charm on Fileno and allows her to release him from his bonds. Fileno is at first grateful, but seeing Celia with Lindoro pretends ardent love for Nerima to spite Celia. She remonstrates with Nerima who advises that she forget Fileno.

26. Aria

Non vi adegnate (Do not commit yourselves)


27. Recitativo

E chi potrà soffrire (And who will suffer)

Nerima, Melibeo

Scene III


Non odo (I do not hear)

Amaranta, Perruchetto, Melibeo

Scene IV


A me simile affronto! (Such an affront to me!)

Melibeo, Nerima

28. Aria

Sappi, che la bellezza (Know, that beauty)


Scene V

29. Recitativo

Venga Fileno pur (Come Fileno, as well)

30. Aria

Se da' begli occhi tuoi (If you give your beautiful eyes)


Fileno resolves to stab himself, but first carves a message of love to Celia on a tree trunk. However in doing this he breaks his dagger, so determines instead to throw himself off a cliff.

Scene VI

31. Recitativo

Già la fera è ne' lacci (Already laced up)

Nerima, Lindoro, Celia

32. Aria

Volgi pure ad altr'oggetto (Turn to something else)


Scene VII


Ah quali acerbi detti! (Ah, what bitter sayings)

Celia, Lindoro

Scene VIII


Ecco, amici, le selve (Here friends, the woods)

Melibeo, Amaranta, Perruchetto, Lindoro, Fileno

As Fileno is about to throw himself off a cliff, the hunt assembles in honour of Diana. Perruchetto enters pursued by a bear, followed by Amaranta fleeing a boar. Perruchetto takes refuge in a tree; Amaranta faints just as Fileno kills the boar. When she comes around, Perruchetto claims that he saved her, but the boar is borne off to the temple.

34. Chorus of Hunters

Più la belva nel bosco non freme (The beast in the woods does not tremble anymore)

35. Recitativo

Al tempio (At the temple)

Melibeo, Lindoro, Perruchetto, Amaranta

36. Aria

Di questo audace ferro (Of this bold iron)


37. Chorus of Hunters

Più la belva nel bosco non freme (The beast in the woods does not tremble anymore)

Scene IX

38a. Recitative accompagnato

Bastano, bastoni i pianti (Tears are enough)


38b. Aria e Recitativo accompagnato

Recida il ferro istesso (Cut the iron itself)


Scene X

39a. Recitativo

Amica, favellasti con Fileno? (Friend, did you talk to Fileno)

Celia, Nerima

39b. Recitativo accompagnato

Ah come il core (Ah, like the heart)


39c. Aria

Ombra del caro bene (Shadow of the dear heart)


Celia finds the message on the tree and seeks solitude in a cave. Melibeo, seeing this, changes his plan again: if Nerima can lure Perruchetto into the cave with Celia, they can be "framed" as lovers and sent to the monster. This is accomplished and the pair are robed as sacrificial victims. Thunder proclaims the wrath of Diana.

Scene XI

40. Recitativo

E Fileno? (And Fileno?)

Melibeo, Nerima

Scene XII


Ah tu, pietoso amore 
(Ah you, pitiful love)

Nerima, Perruchetto

Scene XIII


Ecco, esequiti sono i cenni tuoi (These are the signs)

Nerima, Melibeo, Aramanta, Lindoro

41a. Recitativo accompagnato

Barbaro conte (Barbarian Count)


41b. Aria

Dell' amor mio fedele (Of my faithful love)


Scene XIV

42. Recitativo

Ah temo, il tu periglio (Ah, I'm afraid for your peril)

Nerima, Melibeo, Fileno, Lindoro

43. Finale

Quel silenzio e quelli pianti (That silence and those who are crying)

Nerima, Fileno, Lindoro


Si vada . . . si soccorra (Let's go . . . help)

Amaranta, Nerima, Fileno, Lindoro


Queste due vittime (These two victims)

Amaranta, Nerima, Fileno, Lindoro, Melibeo


Perfido cielo ingrato! (Perfidious ungrateful heaven!)

Amaranta, Nerima, Celia, Fileno, Lindoro, Perruchetto, Melibeo


Via si vada (Go away)

Amaranta, Nerima, Celia, Fileno, Lindoro, Perruchetto, Melibeo


Scene I

44. Recitativo

Del mio Fileno in odio (I hate my Fileno)

Celia, Fileno

45. Duetto

Ah se tu vuoi, ch'io viva (Ah, if you want me to live)

Celia, Fileno

Scene II

46. Recitativo

Pastori, in sulla sponda (Shepherds, in on the shore)

Scene III


Amici, olà, fermate (Friends, stop)

Amaranta, Melibeo, Lindoro, Perruchetto

Scene IV


Ah pietà (Oh pity)

Lindoro, Melibeo

Scene V


Chi vide mai nel mondo (Who ever saw in this world)


Scene VI


Misera, è questo il lago (This is the miserable lake)

Amaranta, Perruchetto

Scene VII


Pastori, il suo flagello (Shepherds, his scrouge)

Melibeo, Celia, Perruchetto, Amaranta

Scene VIII


Amici, si sospenda (Friends, stop)

Fileno, Celia, Amaranta, Lindoro, Melibeo, Perruchetto

Scene IX

47a. Recitativo accompagnato

Misero me! (Wretched me!)

Melibeo, Celia, Amaranta, Fileno, Lindoro, Perruchetto, Diana

The victims take leave of their real lovers. At the last moment Fileno decides to sacrifice his own life to save Celia. As he offers himself to the monster, it transforms into Diana who accepts the purity and selflessness of his act and for evre absolves Cumae from the fatal curse. Apart from Melibeo, struck down by Diana's arrows, the opera ends happily with the union of Celia and Fileno, Amaranta and Perruchetto, and Nerina and Lindoro.

47b. Chorus

Quanto più diletta (How much more beloved)

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