Saturday, May 18, 2024

CMXC. BACH, J.S.: Cantata #5: Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 5

CMXC. BACH, J.S. (1685-1750)

Cantata #5: Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 5 (1724)
1. [Coro]: Wo soll ich fliehen hin
2. Recitativo (Basso): Der Sünden Wust hat mich nicht nur befleckt
3. Aria (Tenore): Ergieße dich reichlich
4. Recitativo (Alto): Mein treuer Heiland tröstet mich
5. Aria (Basso): Verstumme, Höllenheer
6. Recitativo (Soprano): Ich bin ja nur das kleinste Teil der Welt
7. Choral (Coro): Führ auch mein Herz und Sinn
The Monteverdi Choir
The English Baroque Soloists
John Eliot Gardiner, cond.

Hymn by Johann Heermann (1630)

Prescribed readings:

Ephesians 4:22-28 and Matthew 9:1-8.

1. [Coro]: Wo soll ich fliehen hin

Wither shall I flee
Because I am burdened
With many and great sins?
Where shall I find rescue?
If all the world came here
It would not take away my fear

2. Recitativo (Basso): Der Sünden Wust hat mich nicht nur befleckt

The refuse of sin has not only stained me
It has far more covered my whole spirit
God would have to drive me out from Him as impure
Yet since a drop of sacred blood
Does such wonders
I can remain unrejected
The wounds are an open sea
In which I sink my sins
And when I steer myself to the stream
It makes me free of my stains

3. Aria (Tenore): Ergieße dich reichlich

One of only two instances of an obbligato part for the viola. So beautiful. How it weaves in and out of the tenor -- how it sings!

Pour forth abundantly, thou divine spring
Oh, flow with bloody streams on me!
My heart feels the comforting hour
The oppressing burdens now sink to the bottom
It washes the sinful stains away from itself.

4. Recitativo (Alto): Mein treuer Heiland tröstet mich

My faithful Saviour consoles me
Let His tomb bury all
The sins I have committed
However great my crime
He frees and liberates me
When believers find refuge in Him
Fear and pain
Need no longer be any danger
And disappear forthwith
Their souls' treasure, their greatest possession
Is Jesus's priceless blood
It is their protection against devil, death and sin
While they overcome

5. Aria (Basso): Verstumme, Höllenheer

Be silent, host of Hell
You do not make me fear!
I may show you this blood
Then must you suddenly be mute
It can be dared in God

6. Recitativo (Soprano): Ich bin ja nur das kleinste Teil der Welt

I am after all only the tiniest part of the world
And since the blood's precious fluid
Infinitely great power
Preserves within it
So that each drop, be it ever so small
Can make the whole world
Pure of sin
Then let not Thy blood
Be spoiled in me
May it benefit me
That I can inherit Heaven

7. Choral (Coro): Führ auch mein Herz und Sinn

Guide also my heart and thought
Through Thy Spirit on their way
That I am able to avoid
All that can separate me and Thee
And I remain eternally
A member of Thy body

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